“Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire.”
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The Embers

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Update of Rhonda Brandenburg - Sunday, 10-20-2019

Rhonda with Doug, Caleb, and John

Rhonda with Doug, Caleb, and John

Rhonda has been in the hospital for 27 days. She was brought to the ER by ambulance at 3:30 AM on September 24, 2019. She has been through several ups and downs. She has dealt with excess fluid in her limbs from her lymphedema and cellulitis that caused   multiple infections. Complicating all of this is her struggle with blood thinners and blood clots. Two weeks ago she ended up in a very dangerous emergency surgery due to a massive hematoma (bleed) in her abdomen. During that surgery they removed 10 liters of blood. That hematoma had put incredible pressure on her internal organs. Her kidneys, liver, heart, and lungs all were stressed. They have determined that the kidneys have suffered some damage. The pressure on her live has messed with her INR levels. (The amount of blood thinner to prevent clots.)

Breathing treatment.jpg

During the last 27 days, the one constant has been Rhonda's difficulty in breathing. She is not able to breathe deep enough to clear the carbon dioxide from her blood. She also has trouble keeping her oxygen levels high enough. The pulmonologist has determined that her left lung is almost completely collapsed. The left lung has a lot of mucus in it and they are having difficulty getting that broken up and removed. They have been doing breathing treatments every four hours and doing PT. She has been on a Bi-pap machine to aid in her breathing. It is not a good thing to keep her on the Bi-pap so long. It is very uncomfortable for her. They believe if they can get the lung to re-inflate she will be able to breathe better and the bi-pap will no longer be necessary.

We are waiting on the pulmonologist to come back in to give us an update. They are considering doing a bronchoscopy to mechanically removed the mucus. The issue, and the hesitation, for doing that is that she will have to be sedated. That would also mean going on the ventilator. If that happens she will have to be moved back to ICU. They (and we) want to avoid that if possible. Yet, at the same time, we MUST get the lung re-inflated.

She is very weak, but also very frustrated. She is beginning to wonder if she will ever get out of here. We have been playing instrumental hymns and reading scripture to her. This is a real help to her. The nurses have commented that this is the calmest room in the hospital. 

It was great to have some friends visit yesterday. Pastor Jim Green and his wife Terry came from Parker Memorial Baptist Church in Lansing. They are dear friends of ours and were such a blessing. They prayed with her and then sang to her. The assistant pastor from Faith Baptist Church in Warren,  was also here. He sang along with the Greens. It was such a blessing. Of course, having family come in helps. Yesterday she had some "grandkid therapy." 

Please pray for the following:

  1. That the mucus will break up and come out

  2. That her lung in able to re-inflate

  3. That we can avoid the ventilator & ICU 

We are so thankful for all of you that are praying. It is such an encouragement to here from pastors we have never met and churches where we have never visited that are praying for Rhonda. I love the family of God who care for one another. Thank you for praying! Thank you for caring!

God is always good. He is only good.

-The Brandenburg Family

Douglas Brandenburg